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LGA responds to Youth Accelerator Fund announcement

“Councils are doing everything they can to protect youth services but funding pressures and rising demand for other services means they have had to reduce spending on youth services by more than half since 2010."

Responding to the Government’s Youth Accelerator Fund, Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson, Chair of the LGA’s Culture, Tourism and Sport Board, said: 

“This funding will provide a helpful boost to youth projects across the country which can be invaluable in supporting and building trusted relationships with young people during difficult times.

“Councils are doing everything they can to protect youth services but funding pressures and rising demand for other services means they have had to reduce spending on youth services by more than half since 2010.

“Councils are best placed to co-ordinate local youth services, working in partnership with other local authorities, stakeholders such as schools, communities and the voluntary sector. 

“We want to continue to work with government to ensure the Spending Review provides sustainable, long-term funding to help councils develop the programmes which improve lives and local youth services.”