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LGA responds to Refugee Resettlement Scheme announcement

“While it is good that councils will receive initial one-year funding to deliver the scheme at the same level, this needs to be followed through with long-term funding in the Spending Review."

Responding to the Home Secretary’s announcement that the resettlement scheme for resettled refugees will continue after 2020, a Local Government Association spokesperson said:

“Councils are eager to build on their strong track record of supporting those resettling in new communities and are pleased the Government has confirmed it will continue the resettlement scheme after 2020.

“While it is good that councils will receive initial one-year funding to deliver the scheme at the same level, this needs to be followed through with long-term funding in the Spending Review.

“We look forward to continue to work with government and other partners to make sure all new arrivals get the support they need to settle into their new communities. Clear links need to be made across all the programmes that resettle asylum seekers, refugee families and children to make sure there is enough funding for all new arrivals building new lives in the UK.”

Notes to editors

Councils in England face an overall funding gap of £8 billion by 2025. The LGA’s #CouncilsCan campaign aims to influence the forthcoming Spending Review and highlight the growing risk to vital local services if the Government does not take action to secure the financial sustainability of councils. Visit our campaign page for more information.

#CouncilsCan: Spending Review 2019

With the right funding and powers, councils can continue to lead local areas, improve residents’ lives, reduce demand for public services and save money for the taxpayer. Securing the financial sustainability of local services must be the top priority for the Spending Review.

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