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LGA responds to National Disability Strategy

“The forthcoming Spending Review is an opportunity to ensure that councils have the necessary funding to achieve real and lasting change for disabled people."

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Responding to the Government’s National Disability Strategy, published today, Cllr David Fothergill, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

“Through their responsibilities for vital everyday services, councils across the country are already at the heart of enabling disabled people to live their best possible lives and tackling inequalities. Councils stand ready to work with disabled people, their families and carers, government departments and other partners including the voluntary and community sector, to take this strategy forward to improve the lives of people living with disabilities in our local communities.

“The forthcoming Spending Review is an opportunity to ensure that councils have the necessary funding to achieve real and lasting change for disabled people. It is also vital that we urgently get a long-term, sustainable funding solution and a vision for a care and support system that is fit for the 21st century.

“Our transport networks must be accessible for all people. Councils help provide the national concessionary fares scheme which offers free off-peak travel for disabled people, although the way it is funded by government has not kept up with growing demand and cost. By fully funding the scheme, government would help ease the pressure on stretched council budgets and protect cherished bus services.”