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LGA responds to multi million pound funding boost for cultural sector

"From music festivals and art trails to museums and theatres, we are extremely proud of our local and national heritage which attracts millions of visitors to our communities throughout the country."

Responding to the Government’s announcement of a £20 million funding boost today which will support the growth of creative and cultural industries, Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson, Chair of the LGA’s Culture, Tourism and Sport Board said: 

“We are delighted that government has listened to our calls and those of our partners and recognised that cultural development can result in a major boost for local economic growth, community regeneration and tourism.

“From music festivals and art trails to museums and theatres, we are extremely proud of our local and national heritage which attracts millions of visitors to our communities throughout the country.

“Councils know that the creative and cultural industries provide a host of economic benefits; they help our residents to develop and further their skills, they create new jobs in deprived areas, and they attract new visitors to local towns and cities which supports the growth of local businesses when visitors buy goods in local supermarkets and shops. 

“Through the Cultural Development Fund, councils can continue to encourage the development of new creative and cultural businesses and start-ups, and ensure that the heritage and tourism sector continues to thrive.  People will visit areas as a result of their cultural attractions and quality of life, and this in turn, draws money into areas.”