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LGA responds to launch of new independent rough sleeping commission

“Councils are determined to build on the success of the Everyone In initiative, which has demonstrated what can be achieved when all parts of the public and voluntary sector work together to get people sleeping rough off the streets and into safe accommodation."

Responding to the launch of The Kerslake Commission on Homelessness and Rough Sleeping, a new independent commission to learn lessons from the response to rough sleeping during the pandemic, Cllr James Jamieson, Local Government Association Chairman, said:

“The LGA is proud to represent councils on this important commission.

“Councils are determined to build on the success of the Everyone In initiative, which has demonstrated what can be achieved when all parts of the public and voluntary sector work together to get people sleeping rough off the streets and into safe accommodation.

“It is vital we draw on lessons learned during the pandemic and ensure this is not just a one-off emergency response, so we can end rough sleeping and make sure no-one suffers the tragedy of becoming homeless.”