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LGA responds to launch of new housing agency

Responding to the launch of new national housing agency Homes England, Cllr Martin Tett, the Local Government Association’s Housing spokesman, said:

“We are pleased to see the launch of Homes England with a focus on building more homes.

“For it to be a success, it is crucial that the agency works positively with local government to deliver the mix of homes, infrastructure and places that people want to see.

“Every local housing market is different and councils must be able to combine and use Homes England funding flexibly to meet local need and take local opportunities.

“Councils must be part of the solution to our chronic housing shortage and able to resume their historic role as a major builder of affordable homes. All councils need to be able to borrow to invest in desperately-needed new homes and keep 100 per cent of Right to Buy receipts to replace sold homes.”