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LGA responds to latest suicides statistics

"Suicide prevention is a public health priority for local government and every council has a suicide prevention plan in place. Councils are already working closely with schools, railway operators, businesses, hospitals and the police to prevent suicide and help those affected by it."

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Responding to the latest official suicides statistics for England and Wales, for 2019, Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

“Every suicide is a tragedy and it is worrying that we continue to see particularly high rates among males and in certain age groups, including a long-term increase in under-25s generally.

“Suicide prevention is a public health priority for local government and every council has a suicide prevention plan in place. Councils are already working closely with schools, railway operators, businesses, hospitals and the police to prevent suicide and help those affected by it.

“We also need a new national focus on helping everyone stay mentally well, including for those affected by coronavirus, backed-up by funding for councils to spend with local partners such as the voluntary and community sector, to help prevent more serious problems from developing.

“The forthcoming Spending Review provides an opportunity for much-needed investment in council services, including public health, to help further strengthen local action to reduce and prevent suicide using councils’ locally-driven approach.” 

Notes to editors

Suicides in England and Wales: 2019 registrations

The LGA represents more than 330 councils of all types across England. We work on behalf of our members to support, promote and improve local government.

It is councils who had led communities through the COVID-19 crisis. Our recent polling shows that 71 per cent of residents trust their council and two thirds are satisfied with the way their local council runs things in their area. Our new discussion paper - Re-thinking Local - sets out how councils must now be empowered to locally-lead the COVID-19 recovery and tackle the economic, environmental and community challenges that we will face as a result of the pandemic.