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LGA responds to government's commitment to reach zero HIV transmissions

Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the LGA’s Community Wellbeing Board, responds to Health Secretary Matt Hancock’s commitment to make the UK the first country to reach zero HIV transmissions by 2030.

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“The progress made in supporting people with HIV, enabling them to live independent, fulfilling lives, and the fact that it is no longer the death sentence it once was, is a major public health success story.

“Since public health moved to local government in 2013, councils have embraced their new responsibilities and worked with their health and community partners to deliver innovative programmes that support people with HIV.

“However, this needs to be further supported by reversing the £700 million of real terms public health cuts planned to 2020 as a matter of urgency, to build upon existing success in prevention, detection and treatment of HIV while also ensuring that other sexual health services are not stretched too thinly to accommodate increasing demand.”