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LGA responds to extra COVID-19 protections for rough sleepers and renters

“It is good the Government is providing further additional funding to tackle rough sleeping, but it is likely that councils will need further financial support in the difficult weeks and months ahead to move people into safe and secure housing."

Responding to the announcement of extra COVID-19 protections for rough sleepers and renters, Cllr David Renard, Local Government Association housing spokesperson, said:

“Since the start of the pandemic and the Everyone In initiative, councils have continued to do everything they can to get people sleeping rough off the streets and into safe accommodation, to minimise the spread of infection.

“This will remain a key focus of councils’ ongoing efforts during the current lockdown. However further clarity is needed on how housing teams can work with local health teams to support homeless people to get vaccinated as swiftly and effectively as possible.

“It is good the Government is providing further additional funding to tackle rough sleeping, but it is likely that councils will need further financial support in the difficult weeks and months ahead to move people into safe and secure housing. We also urge the Government to remove the No Recourse to Public Funds condition so that councils can ensure that everyone who is vulnerable can access help if needed, regardless of immigration status.

“Extending the ban on bailiff enforcement action is also the right thing to do. During this extremely challenging time, tenants who are struggling to afford their rent need the assurance that they are not going to be left without a home. This will not only avoid causing major disruption for families but will help to prevent placing even greater pressure on already over-stretched council homelessness services.”