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LGA responds to ending of ban on eviction enforcement

“It is vital there is a plan in place to support and protect households to stay in their homes, in as many cases as possible."

Responding to the announcement of the ending of the current ban on bailiff-enforced evictions on 31 May, Cllr David Renard, Local Government Association housing spokesperson, said

“We recognise that the ban on eviction enforcement, which provided vital reassurance to renters during the pandemic, cannot continue indefinitely. However, councils remain concerned over the potential rise in homelessness households may face, and the pressure this will add to already over-stretched homelessness services.

“It is vital there is a plan in place to support and protect households to stay in their homes, in as many cases as possible.

“We look forward to working with government on the detail of the Renters’ Reforms package announced in the Queen’s Speech, to ensure that everyone can live in a safe and decent home, have access to a clear redress process and not live in fear of ‘no fault’ evictions, which government should now bring forward its pledge to end.

“There should also be a renewed focus on investing in homelessness prevention services, ensuring councils have the resources to support households at risk of homelessness, including restoration of welfare funding to at least £250 million a year and a review of the Discretionary Housing Payment scheme.

“Councils also need greater ability to invest in building much-needed social housing, through further reform of Right to Buy.”