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LGA responds to Department for Transport report on roadwork permits

Cllr Martin Tett, the LGA’s Transport Spokesman responds to Department for Transport report on roadwork permits.

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Responding to the Department for Transport report on roadwork permits, Cllr Martin Tett, the LGA’s Transport Spokesman, said:  

“Councils are on the side of frustrated motorists who find themselves spending wasted hours held up in tailbacks. Nearly two-thirds of councils now use the permits system which provides them with the ability to proactively manage all works as a way to reduce and control the associated disruption. Whilst it’s a matter for local decision, this research will be helpful to those other councils who are considering adopting this approach.

“The LGA has also been calling for lane rental powers for councils for a number of years. We are delighted that the Government has accepted our calls and acknowledged the success of pilot schemes in London and Kent. We’re confident these new measures will help minimise delays from roadworks, and keep traffic moving on our local roads.

“It is crucial that councils are given these powers without lengthy national approval mechanisms, so they can ensure critical roadworks are carried out as quickly as possible. The sooner councils are allowed to get on top of this problem the better.

“We look forward to working with government to make sure that any new system allows vital work to be completed as soon as it possibly can be.”