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LGA responds to the Campaign for Better Transport report on bus funding

“The findings of this report reinforce the need for ongoing investment in local bus services."

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Responding to a report by the Campaign for Better Transport, which has found funding for buses in England is almost £400 million a year lower than it was 10 years ago, the Local Government Association’s transport spokesperson, Cllr Darren Rodwell, said: 

“The findings of this report reinforce the need for ongoing investment in local bus services. 

“Councils want to protect local bus services, which can be a lifeline for our most vulnerable residents, whether that is to go shopping, collect medication, attend doctor appointments or socialise with friends. 

“While the recently announced national bus strategy and funding is an important step towards improving local bus services, the number of bus journeys is at its lowest level in over a decade, showing that more needs to be done to address this spiralling decline. 

“Councils also face a £652 million funding gap in providing the concessionary bus fare scheme, which is putting nearly half of all bus routes at risk. It is vital this scheme is properly funded so councils can protect bus routes and reinvest in local networks.”