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LGA responds to Beating Crime Plan

“We are pleased to see the planned extension of Project Adder, and it is good to see anti-social behaviour recognised as an issue to be tackled in this plan."

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Responding to the announcement of the Government’s Beating Crime Plan, Cllr Nesil Caliskan, Chair of the LGA’s Safer and Stronger Communities Board, said:

“We are pleased to see the planned extension of Project Adder, and it is good to see anti-social behaviour recognised as an issue to be tackled in this plan. We would urge government to also ensure the work of Violence Reduction Units are extended to all police forces in England and Wales with five year funding settlements, rather than year-on-year commitments.

“Young people excluded from school are more likely to be involved in youth crime and the majority of young people in justice settings have speech, language and communication needs. Government investment in specialist support in schools is positive and councils are best placed to ensure this support reaches those that need it most.

“This plan focuses heavily on the role of the police in tackling crime after it has happened and highlights the need for a joint effort from everyone involved in the criminal justice system.

However, it will need to go beyond these partners and ensure a multi-agency approach, including councils and health and education services, with a stronger focus on early intervention and prevention.

“Councils have a crucial role to play in preventing crime, supporting victims and creating safer and stronger communities. We look forward to working with government and partners on the various upcoming commitments to reduce crime and support victims, while utilising the skills not just of the criminal justice system, but local government also.”