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LGA responds to adult substance misuse statistics

Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, Cllr Ian Hudspeth, responds to annual adult substance misuse treatment statistics for 2018/19, published by Public Health England.

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"Councils are committed to ensuring that people with substance misuse problems get the right support and treatment.

"The causes of substance misuse and the solutions for tackling it are complex. However, adequate funding and early interventions can have a positive impact. 

“More people are entering treatment which is encouraging, but the increase in drug-related deaths is still a serious cause for concern, particularly in relation to rising numbers of those seeking help with heroin, crack and powder cocaine. 

“Exploitation of young and vulnerable people by county lines gangs linked to recreational drug use is also a significant and growing concern for councils, who take this issue extremely seriously. 

"Councils continue to work closely with local partners including the police, health service and community groups to ensure everyone affected gets the help they need. 

“In addition, the next government must provide sustainable, long-term funding for councils’ public health services to help relieve pressures on the NHS and criminal justice system further down the line.”

Notes to editors

Adult substance misuse treatment statistics 2018 to 2019