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LGA responds to ADASS Spring Survey

“COVID-19 has reinforced the urgent need for long-term reform of adult social care, including sustainable funding which grows in line with demand, as well as investment to tackle the funding gap between the cost of providing care and what councils pay."

Responding to the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services’ (ADASS) Spring Survey, which found that about 75,000 disabled and older people and carers are waiting for an assessment for their care and support, Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

“Social care has been on the frontline throughout the pandemic and this report is another stark reminder of the mounting pressures it faces, which will impact on older and disabled people and their carers.

“COVID-19 has reinforced the urgent need for long-term reform of adult social care, including sustainable funding which grows in line with demand, as well as investment to tackle the funding gap between the cost of providing care and what councils pay.

“We also face a huge recruitment and retention crisis in the care workforce, with more than 100,000 vacancies. Action is urgently needed on pay, conditions, professionalisation, skills and training.

“Social care is valuable in its own right and can play an integral part in building back better from the pandemic in flourishing and connected communities, where people are able to live the lives they want to lead.

“The Government’s proposals should set out a positive vision for what the future of care and support should be and be brought forward as soon as possible.”