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Gritters readied for big freeze and snowfall

The Local Government Association said councils are well prepared for plummeting temperatures this week, having stockpiled 1.5 million tonnes of salt for the winter.

Gritters across the country are gearing up to help keep main roads clear with forecasters predicting another big freeze and snowfall.

In addition to gritting roads and clearing snow drifts, the LGA said councils will be looking out for the more vulnerable members of their communities. Local teams will assist the elderly and vulnerable in their areas, from delivering hot meals to carrying out emergency household repairs and providing heating.

Council leaders are also encouraging residents to check in on any elderly or vulnerable neighbours to make sure they’re not suffering in silence and have everything they need during the freezing weather.

Cllr Martin Tett, LGA transport spokesman, said:

“Councils remain well prepared for the cold with 1.5 million tonnes of salt stockpiled and a fleet of state-of-the-art gritters ready to be deployed.

“Highway teams are monitoring high-tech weather forecasts with highly-trained staff on standby around the clock. Gritters will be out treating thousands of miles of roads as the big chill bites and councils will be keeping people up-to-date about weather forecasts, road conditions and gritting activity.

“As the freeze sets in we need everyone in our communities to be on the look-out for signs that something might be wrong. Whether it be milk bottles left outside, newspapers stuck in the letterbox or curtains drawn all day, any sort of unusual activity could be a sign that something is wrong and that someone is in need of help.”