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Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson to be new LGA President

The Local Government Association is delighted to announce that Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson is to become its new President.

Baroness Grey-Thompson, currently an LGA Vice-President, will succeed outgoing President Lord Kerslake and will be formally elected at the LGA’s General Assembly in July.

As one of Britain's greatest Paralympic athletes, Baroness Grey-Thompson won a remarkable 11 gold, four silver and a bronze medal over 16 years and five Paralympic Games.

In 2005 she became ‘Dame’ Tanni Grey-Thompson for her services to sport and in 2010, she was created a life peer and was conferred as Baroness Grey-Thompson, of Eaglescliffe in the County of Durham.

As a Crossbench Peer she uses her experience and knowledge during debates in the House of Lords and has spoken on a range of issues including disability rights, welfare reform, and sport.

Baroness Grey-Thompson said:

“I am honoured and thrilled to be appointed as the new President of the LGA. I look forward to continuing Lord Kerslake’s relentless work to promote and support the important and extensive work of local government within Parliament.”

Lord Kerslake said:

“I am delighted that Tanni has agreed to take on the Presidency. She is a terrific choice. I have very much enjoyed my six years as LGA President. The Association plays a vital role in championing the importance of local government and advocating on its behalf.”

Cllr James Jamieson, Chairman of the LGA, said:

“Lord Kerslake has worked tirelessly as our President and has been a vital advocate for the role of local government. We thank him wholeheartedly for his dedication to the role.

“We are delighted that Tanni has agreed to become our new President. She will be a fantastic advocate for us to ensure local government continues to have a strong, credible and influential voice within Parliament so that councils across the country can deliver local solutions to national problems.”


  • The President of the LGA is a cross-party role. Historically the President has been a Crossbench Peer in the House of Lords, with a background in, or strong association with, local government and a commitment to the LGA’s priorities. The president is elected annually by the General Assembly for up to a maximum of eight years.
  • Previous LGA Presidents are Lord Kerslake (2015-2021); Lord Richard Best (2005-2015); Lord Ouseley (2002-2005); Lord Hunt of Tanworth (1997-2002).
  • For more information about Baroness Grey-Thompson, visit