Plan Making Reforms

Here are details of events, materials and information we have produced in our attempt to keep pace with the changes to the planning system proposed and consulted on by government.

The roots of the most recent and significant round of proposals began back in August 2020 with the Planning for the Future White Paper. This was followed in December 2022 by proposed changes to National planning policy and draft text changes to the NPPF. A revised NPPF was published in September 2023 to account for updated policy on planning for onshore wind development. In October 2023, the Levelling Up & Regeneration Bill - now the Act (LURA) received royal assent. LURA contains many changes to the  planning system - many of which are yet to be enacted. Which brings us to December 2023 with the publication of the revised NPPF, and a Written Ministerial Statement from the Secretary of State (the long term plan for housing). We now await details of the proposed reforms to the planning system due to be implemented in the Autumn of this year, 2024. 

December 2023 - Revised NPPF, Secretary of State's speech at RIBA and a Written Ministerial Statement (WMS)

On the 19th of December 2023, The Secretary of State delivered a speech: "Falling back in Love with the future" and made a Written Ministerial Statement on the Long-Term Plan for Housing. This was shortly followed by the publication of the revised National Planning Policy Framework on 20th December 2023.

Local Planning Authorities asked to make sure they have up to date plan timetables. 

In his Written Ministerial Statement on 19th December 2023, Michael Gove directed seven Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) to publish a plan timetable within 12 weeks. He also said that he expected all local planning authorities to make sure that they have an up-to-date plan timetable in place within the same timeframe and to provide a copy to his department. Many councils have been in touch with us to ask what this actually means for them, so we have set out here what we think this actually means in practice for LPAs.

Supplementary Plans (SPs) - further informal consultation November 2023

With our colleagues from DLUHC we ran 5 events in September (see slides below) on the Implementation of Planning Reforms linked to the LURB, which is now of course the Act (LURA). We asked delegates which of the topics covered they would like PAS to run a separate event on and SPs came up very strongly. Here are the slides from the events held on 21 and 23 November (See FAQs opposite as well). 




September 2023 Event Series - Plan Making Reforms Consultation

On 3rd August 2023 PAS held a Webinar with officials from DLUHC to learn more about the consultation on implementing planning reforms. This was an information giving session providing an overview of the consultation and some Q & A. A recording of the webinar and the presentation materials from the event series are available below. PAS also held a series of in person events throughout September to help LPAs prepare their responses to the consultation.




Plan Making Reforms Implementation Consultation Webinar 3rd August 2023:


DLUHC Presentation - Plan Making Reforms Implementation Consultation Webinar 3rd August 2023:


Plan Making Reforms Implementation Consultation - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):