Upcoming Events

Our events bring people together to allow them the time and space to think through new problems. We run our events both online and in-person, and make use of tools such as MS Teams, Zoom and Slido to ensure the best experience. We try to keep things interactive whether they are online or in person sessions so bring your questions and your creativity!

Booking tickets via Eventbrite

A few people are getting frustrated when booking tickets for events very late (sometimes even after they have started). For reasons we needn't go into just now, we are not using the automatic integration of Eventbrite and Zoom. This means that shortly before the event a human from the PAS team will send you your link. This will be coming from an @local.gov.uk email address.

Shortly before the event starts our team will usually will be mucking in with the event and will not see any late orders. So - please book tickets at least a day in advance if you want to be sure of a place.

Backlog Busting webinar - Hear from LPAs tackling application backlogs - 9th July, 10am

Are you a head of development management or simply want to know how to tackle a backlog of planning applications? This webinar on the 9th July, 10am to 12pm, on Backlog Busting will showcase how councils are using staff skills and processes to improve performance management and reduce their backlog of applications.

The two hour webinar will give attendees opportunity to hear from a selection of Local Planning Authorities on different aspects and approaches that they have taken to tackle their planning application backlog.  Places can be booked via the following link

Planning Leadership Essentials Councillor Training for Planning Committee Chairs, 20th & 21st July 2024, Warwick.
Planning Leadership Essentials are back! We are really pleased to be delivering again our legendary LGA Leadership Essentials councillor training sessions. The first Leadership Essential session we are delivering is one of our most popular (and fun) courses on the role of Planning Committee Chairs. 
The residential course, held at Warwick University Conference Centre, over the weekend of 20th & 21st July 2024, helps councillors who chair planning committees understand the key characteristics of a good committee and develop their skills as a chair, as well as giving updates on new challenges and agendas. It is useful to both new and experienced planning committee chairs and vice chairs. 

There is a cost to access the session but it is being partly subsidised by DLUHC. 
To find out more visit our website or to book a place, please contact: [email protected]  There are only limited places so book your place as soon as possible.