PAS Nature Recovery Toolkit Roadshow Events - March 2024

PAS held three regional all day in person roadshow events in March 2024 for local authority officers to find out more about the draft nature recovery toolkit we’ve been developing, the resources that have been produced so far and how to use them.

In advance of these events we sent delegates a draft ‘train the trainer’ recording for the Workshop #1 ‘Priorities and Opportunities’ workshop together with a copy of the draft slides to review.

The recording is just over an hour long so if you are limited for time we have split this into three parts:
Part 1: Welcome and introductions (00:00-17:03)
Part 2: Scene setting (17:04-51:38)
Part 3: Discussion and break out sessions (51:39-103:57)

The toolkit is constantly evolving so the roadshow events provided an opportunity to hear from local authorities about their own nature recovery ambitions and progress to date to inform further development and improvement.


There was a great level of interest and support received from delegates attending each of the sessions for taking the toolkit forward which is something that will help local authorities to engage and embed nature recovery across their council services and priorities particularly the biodiversity reporting duties.

We are currently reviewing all the feedback received and turning this into a series of recommendations and next steps. The feedback received will help to make sure we are producing a toolkit that local authorities need so we are keen to continue engage including setting up a stand alone nature recovery basecamp. 

Natural England's presentation on why they are supporting the toolkit.

A key piece of feedback we received concerned the value of local authority case studies and examples of embedding nature across council services so we have split the slides below to include the PAS and Natural England sessions and local authority examples.  We have also included recordings from some of these presentations.



PAS presentation providing an overview of why the toolkit has been produced, what it does and what it doesn’t do, who can use it and how, who needs to be in the room and what are the conditions for success?


Natural England's presentation on why the toolkit is important to them and their work to support local authorities on this agenda


Rochdale Council's nature recovery journey (Part 1) including headline objectives, governance, strategic context/key local opportunities and Local Nature Recovery Action Plan


Rochdale Council's nature recovery journey (Part 2) covering follow up questions about learning from the climate work already underway, progress on the service area audit and key stakeholders that are helping to make a real difference.

Birmingham City Council's nature recovery journey including key strategies and initiatives, using data layers and tools as well as translating national requirements to local actions.


A link to a recent recording of Charlotte Glazier's presentation to the Welsh Green Infrastructure Forum on the NEIRF Green Finance for Islington Pocket Park Framework (R&D Programme) is available via this link.