
We will be rolling out the Chief Executives Development Programme in 2024/5. Please find further information below.

The Local Government Chief Executives’ Development Framework is being used as the basis for the curriculum of a new programme aimed at supporting newly appointed chief executives to create a solid foundation to build upon when taking on the role. The expectation is that they will continue to deepen their knowledge and experience across a broader spectrum of existing and emerging topics over time.

Following successful pilot modules earlier this year, we are now opening expressions of interest for the full programme. If you are a newly appointed chief executive, you will be invited to a Solace briefing for new chief executives. Attendance at this briefing will automatically enrol you onto the programme. 

The new Chief Executive Briefing is a one day programme designed for individuals who have recently taken up the role of chief executive. The day is designed to give delegates the opportunity to talk through some of the challenges they may face in their first 12 months in post and is delivered by Graeme McDonald, Managing Director of Solace, Becky Shaw, Chief Executive of East & West Sussex County Council, and accompanied by a serving chief executive guest speaker. 

New chief executives will receive an invite from the Solace membership team in their first few weeks in post, however if you would like further information please email [email protected].

If you have already attended a new chief executives briefing, but are interested in finding out more about the programme, please complete this expression of interest form.

The Chief Executive Development Framework sets out more information on each theme which will inform the content and delivery.

Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] with any questions.