Devolution Deal Support Survey Research Report January 2022

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Between January and February 2022, the Local Government Association (LGA) conducted an online survey of members of its six Combined Authority Networks. The purpose of this survey was to evaluate the LGA’s support in running these networks on the capacity and capability of members’ organisations to deliver their devolution deal objectives. A total of 43 members responded – a response rate of 36 per cent.

As the survey aimed to evaluate the impact of the LGA’s support both on individual members and their areas, the results for this survey are presented both at the level of individual respondents and aggregated to their areas.

Key findings

  • A total of 77 per cent of respondents reported that the support provided by the LGA had improved the capacity and capability of their authority to deliver its devolution deal objectives to at least a small extent
  • The average of this percentage for each of the devolved areas as 79 per cent, thus showing a slight increase when each area was weighted equally
  • Open text comments reveal that the networks are valued venues for the sharing of information and best practice and the building up of relationships that continue beyond formal network processes and meetings
  • Open text comments also indicated a desire among respondents that the networks gain greater prominence, clarity, formality and structure, a preference for an increase in network activity, and a concern about the turnover in network membership making it harder for them to discuss confidential issues during official network events