CIL – April 2015 pooling restrictions

This page contains the advice and presentations developed for our seminars. We covered modifications to the Regulations (up to 2014) and moving beyond the regulations we shared the practical tricks and tips from the CIL ‘front runners group’ of authorities who adopted CIL early including:

  • The importance of treating CIL as a corporate issue (something that stretches beyond the planning department alone).
  • How to set up and run CIL as a project.
  • How to manage the rate setting process through workshops that build consensus on a set of rates which strikes the appropriate balance for your authority.

We looked at how authorities could, and would, use Section106 planning obligations in the future alongside CIL. The focus is on understanding the purpose and application of both forms of development finance so they could be used to facilitate each council's local growth objectives.

We also set out some of the major changes that have impacting the CIL collection and spending process.

If you are thinking about doing a CIL, are at the early stages of CIL, or are further along you may find the advice below helpful. 

Essential Reading

For the most up to date advice on CIL we strongly suggest you read through the six documents below. They're between 3-9 pages each. We have also provided slideshare presentations for you to view.

Project Planning and Infrastructure Evidence

(Scroll through the slides - a PPT presentation is added below if you desire to download):



Viability and rate setting


CIL vs S106 vs S278


CIL Implementation


The seminar series also heard from: 

  •  (PowerPoint 1,167kb) concentrated on the February 2014 regulation and guidance changes : - including why they have been made; and a summary of the payments and reliefs, appeals and transitional arrangements.
  • PINS Planning Inspectorate (Word 39kb) commented on what they look for when they test how Authorities have used their local evidence to strike an appropriate balance between the desirability of funding infrastructure from the levy and the potential impact upon the economic viability of development across their area. 
Local Authority speakers who were already collecting CIL, or were at an advanced stage in their corporate planning processes, shared their own tricks and tips. The main lesson for other participants being, not to under estimate the scale of the change that is needed to successfully collect CIL nor the number of corporate departments that need to be involved to help make the transition seamless.


Overall, the imminent restrictions to pooling planning obligations means that finding efficient and effective ways to implement CIL must be a priority for those council's that want to deliver the much needed infrastructure.