Our governance

The LGA Board is supported by nine policy boards who together are responsible for developing our policies and campaigns, and for overseeing our extensive programme of sector-led improvement services, across every area of local government activity.

Banner image with orange and white squares, and piggy bank logo

From April 2019, the LGA’s responsibilities, assets and liabilities transferred from the previous unincorporated Association to a new company, whose Board of Directors – the LGA Board – is elected annually by the General Assembly. The General Assembly comprises representatives of every council in full membership of the LGA, or in corporate membership through the Welsh LGA. Further information on the company and the way it operates can be found in our Articles of Association and our Governance Framework.

The LGA Board is supported by nine policy boards who together are responsible for developing our policies and campaigns, and for overseeing our extensive programme of sector-led improvement services, across every area of local government activity. The Fire Commission and Fire Services Management Board look after the interests of fire and rescue authorities.

The LGA Board and the chairs of the policy boards meet every six weeks as the Executive Advisory Board and are joined by representatives from Wales and the eight English regions and from three of our special interest groups – the County Councils’ Network, District Councils’ Network and Special Interest Group of Municipal Authorities.

The two property boards – LGA (Properties) Ltd and LGMB – are currently responsible for 18 Smith Square, our Westminster HQ, and Layden House, our investment property in Farringdon. However these are in the process of being transferred to the LGA company after which the two property boards will be wound up.

The Commercial Advisory Board is responsible for overseeing the LGA’s income-generating activities to make us financially sustainable now and in the future. That will include overseeing the management and operation of 18 Smith Square and the Stills and reporting back to the LGA Board.

Picture illustrating the LGA's governance structure in wireframe format